
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办




1、May happiness follow you everywhere just like we do.愿快乐随时与您同在,如同我们与您寸步不离。

2、Thank you for your concern, thank you for your help。 Please accept my new year's greetings, wishing you peace and happiness. 感谢你的关怀,感谢你的'帮助。请接受我新年的祝愿,祝你平安幸福!

3、Live long and proper!恭喜发财!

4、又是一年春来到,祝福满天飘,飘到你、也飘到我,恭贺新禧!新春愉快!万事如意!心想事成!It's spring again. I wish you all the best. Happy New Year! Everything goes well! May all your wishes come true!

5、Good luck to the New Year's holiday, ferro longevity in the door! I wish you good luck and all the best! 新春佳节好运到,福禄寿星进门来!愿你好运连连,事事如意!

6、Endless words, is the bottom of my heart the most true blessing forever. 那诉不尽的千言万语,永远是心底最真的祝福。


8、这一刻!有我最深的思念,让云儿捎上我的祝福,点缀你甜蜜的梦,愿你幸福快乐!This moment! With my deepest thoughts, let Yun Er bring my blessing and embellish your sweet dreams, wishing you happiness and happiness!

9、愿新年不仅是你欢笑的时刻,更是你欣喜的日子。祝福你。May the New Year be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you Best wishes

10、祝节日快乐,新年幸福。 a happy new year to you.

11、May everything beautiful and best be condensed into this card. I sincerely wish you happiness, cheerfulness and success.愿一切最美好的祝福都能用这张贺卡表达,真诚地愿你幸福、快乐、成功!

12、want to wish you longevity and health!祝财运亨通!

13、新年将至,献上一份祝福。期盼:每一天,幸福之神都陪伴着你;每一刻,快乐之神都保佑着你。A new year's greeting is coming. Hope: every day, the spirit of happiness will accompany you; every moment, the God of happiness will bless you.

14、祝你抱着平安,牵着财运,拽着吉祥,迈入猪年,快乐度过每一天。I wish you peace, luck, luck, into the Year of the Pig, happy every day.

15、在家靠父母,在外靠朋友,一年来朋友对自己的帮助,新春佳节要给朋友送上新年祝福短信。Depend on parents at home, depend on friends outside, a year of friends to help themselves, Spring Festival to send friends New Year message.

16、Black eyes, straight nose, head domesticated hen Han Han's face makes me want to get to sleep at night. Multi want to touch you, hug you want more, you want to see more Diao root Sahuan bones in the sun: You are my beloved little dog!黑黑的眼睛直直的鼻,绒绒的脑袋憨憨的脸让我想得夜难眠。多想摸摸你,多想抱抱你,多想看你在阳光下叼根骨头撒欢:你就是我心爱的小狗狗!

17、新年快乐! happy new year!

18、祝来年好运,并取得更大的成就。Good luck and great success in the coming New Year

19、这是给你的压岁钱。Lucky money for you.

20、新的一年,新的开始;心的祝福,心的起点。A new year, a new beginning; the blessing of the heart, the starting point of the heart.


21、心想事成 May all your wishes come true

22、Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year.新年带给你和你所爱的人许多美好的事物和无尽的祝福!

23、生意兴隆:wish your business success

24、On this special day I send you New Years greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together.在这特殊的日子,向你致以新年的祝福,希望不久我们能相聚在一起。

25、want to wish you longevity and health!愿你健康长寿!

26、送走旧年的时候,也送走一年的阴郁,迎来新春的时候,也迎来新的希望。给您拜年啦!When you send away the old year, it also sends away the gloom of the year, ushering in the new spring, and ushering in a new hope. I'll pay you a new year call!

27、May you come into a good fortune!恭喜发财!

28、Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year. 请接受我们对你及你全家的美好祝福,祝你们新年快乐。

29、May the coming new year bring you joy, love and peace.愿新年为你带来快乐,友爱和宁静。

30、Family and live in harmony, happy year, I, in peace, the spirit of times every day, month and festivity triumphantly, plenty of money year after year, all the expectations can be, all the pay can be fulfilled and happy New Year!一家和和睦睦,一年开开心心,一世平平安安,天天精神百倍,月月喜气扬扬,年年财源广进,所有的期待都能出现,所有的付出都能兑现,元旦快乐!

31、我希望你有一个幸福和繁荣的新年。 I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.

32、Money and treasures will be plentiful.招财进宝。

33、初春雪漫漫,人间处处新!春节快乐,春节幸福!辞旧迎新,心想事成。The early spring snow is long, the world is new everywhere! Happy Spring Festival, happy Spring Festival! Let go of the old and welcome the new.

34、Happy New Year! Sincerely bless you: God bless you_ I care about you! Bodhisattva loves you! The God of wealth follows you! Luck is with you!

35、新年好,兄弟,忙碌了一年,好好歇歇吧!祝你来年鸿运当头,福星高照。Happy New Year, brother, busy for a year, have a good rest! Good luck and good luck in the coming year.

36、贺新春,庆佳节,恭喜发财!过年好,万事顺,事事如意!Congratulations on the Spring Festival Happy New Year,everything goes smoothly,everything goes well!

37、恭祝健康幸运,新年快乐。Good health,good luck and much happiness throughout the year

38、Best of luck in the year to come.愿你在新的一年里,吉星高照。

39、祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。with best wishes for a happy new year!

40、Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year 恭贺新禧,万事如意。


41、Maybe a little less contact, but do not have to change the thoughts. You and I are still in friendship, thousands of miles difficult obstacles. New Year, Hull, whether at home or away from home, are willing you happy, peaceful and happy, wonderful!也许联系有点少,思念却不曾更改。你我友情依然在,千山万水难阻碍。新年到,旧貌换新颜,不管居家还是出门在外,都愿你快乐安泰,过得幸福精彩!

42、In the new year, I hope my parents can be healthy, safe and happy. 在新的一年里,希望我的父母能健健康康,平平安按,快快乐乐的!

43、Happy New Year! Everything is all right! Family happiness! Source of money widely enter! Congratulation!!!! 新春快乐!万事大吉!合家欢乐!财源广进!恭喜发财!

44、happy New Year to you.恭贺新年

45、Take your passion and make it come true.发挥你的热情,让理想变为现实。

46、have eyes but can not see your shadow at any time, have ears but can not hear your voice at any time, but not at any time have a hand to hold your body; but I have the heart of stars ready sincerely wish you: Happy New Year!我有眼睛却不能随时看见你身影,有耳朵却不能随时听到你声音,有手却不能随时抱着你身躯;但我有颗热诚之心能随时祝福你:新年快乐,万事如意!

47、除夕夜,祝愿你幸福守岁,新的一年事事皆顺!On New Year's Eve, I wish you happiness and success in the new year.

48、Flick the years of dust, to laughter and tears, love and cemented in the minds of a thick crystal amber. I wish happy new year! I wish you the new year: don't gain weight, before the person you most Qiao; money in hand, laughing in the dream.拂去岁月之尘,让欢笑和泪水、爱与哀愁在心中凝成一颗厚重的晶莹琥珀。祝新年快乐!祝您新年:身上不长膘,人前你最俏;手头有钞票,梦里都在笑。

49、Warm season, missing is full, I wish you a happy New Year. 温馨季节,思念满怀,愿你新春快乐。

50、New Year bell will be ringing, wish you all the best in the New Year! 新年的钟声即将响起,愿你在新的一年里事事如意!

51、祝您新年快乐,平安健康!I wish you a happy new year, peace and health!

52、The New Year, "forever" believe in yourself, efforts more than others! 在新的一年,“永远”相信自己,努力超过别人!

53、You are my winter jacket, night lamp, hunger bread, summer ice cream. This New Year you're not by my side, I have nothing, only to miss the compiled text messages, I wish you a happy New Year!你是我冬天里的棉袄,黑夜里的灯泡,饥饿中的面包,夏天里的雪糕。这个春节你不在我的身边,我什么都没有了,只有把思念编成短信,祝你新春快乐!

54、祝朋友们事事如意,岁岁平安,精神愉快,春节好。I wish all my friends all the best, peace, happy spirit and a good Spring Festival.

55、恭贺新年 A happy New Year to you.

56、New Year new atmosphere, I wish you in the New Year health, family happiness, success. 新年新气象,祝你在新的一年里身体健康,合家欢乐,马到成功。

57、New goals, new life, happy every day; new plans, new prospects, good luck can not stop! 新目标,新生活,每天都快乐;新规划,新前途,好运挡不住!

58、新年新气象。As the New Year begins,let us also start a new.

59、Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.请接受我诚挚的新年祝福,顺祝身体健康。

60、朋友啊朋友,让我们一起静静地等待未来、希望和光明,还有就要敲响新年的钟。Friends and friends, let us quietly wait for the future, hope and light, and will ring the New Year's bell.


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