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prosperous life together.随着社会文化程度的不断提升,很多时候我们都会分享一些经典高质量的句子,句子浓缩了你的意思和心情,那么有哪些令人惊叹的句子呢?考虑到你的需要,我们特地编辑了“元旦结婚祝福语大全”, 欢迎你阅读与收藏。


1、you have many gold years.


3、along life's way?


5、乾坤和乐 琴耽瑟好 鸾凤和鸣 美满家庭


7、verybest that life has to offer you in your marriage.

8、happily everafter! 你俩正如童话故事中的王子和公主,祝你们永远幸福快乐!

9、with... and very best wishes for all the good future in the world.

10、愿你们事事如愿,美满幸福。 May you always have everything you wish for a rich life together.

11、People often say that the couple as soon as possible is you! I wish love

12、will conclude by congratulating the young couple on their marriage,


14、花开富贵 婚礼吉祥 鸡鸣戒旦 吉日良辰

15、Wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come

16、良缘夙缔 两情相悦 龙凤呈祥 龙腾凤翔

17、yourwedding day.


18、恭贺新婚 瓜瓞延绵 天缘巧合 天长地久

19、Let us wish you both a hundred years of happiness.

20、You this is the perfect match, made a pair,

21、琴瑟和鸣 琴瑟友之 琴瑟在御 情天万里

22、Bless for you, for you laugh, because today,

23、Only once in a lifetime that a special dream comes true. And suddenly your entire world seems beautiful and new. Best wishes for ever!

24、We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of my best friend,

25、Our best wishes to the two of you for a happy marriage filled with all

26、Wishing you a wonderful beginning, and love to last a lifetime.

27、Wishing you a world of happineand love as all your dreams come true.

28、as one. And may you find with each new year your love has just begun.

29、We are here to witness the union of two lives in marriage.

30、Only once in a lifetime that a special dream comes true. And suddenly

31、Please accept our most sincere congratulations upon your holy matrimony with... and very best wishes for all the good future in the world.

32、entire world seems beautiful and new. Best wishes always!

33、On behalf of the classmates of the bridegroom, it is my great privilege

34、hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life


35、For the Bride and Groom Wishing you love in your hearts, joy in your

36、forgetyou for what you have done for them.

37、My heart felt congratulations on your coming happy union! 谨向你们即将到来的幸福结合致以衷心的祝贺。

38、one hundred years of close! Both a lifetime!

39、Congratulations to both of you.


41、My sincere congratulations on this auspicious event of yours.

42、your entire world seems beautiful and new. Best wishes for ever!

43、My sincere congratulations on this auspicious event of yours. 值你俩大喜之日,谨致最诚挚的;况贺。

44、For a special couple: Congratulations on your wedding

45、And may you find with each new year your love has just begun.

46、Our best wishes to the two of you for a happy marriage filled with all the

47、It is my great privilege, on this most auspicious occasion, to say a word

48、May the joy you share on your wedding day be the kind you'll share all

49、We wish you both many more anniversaries, each happier than the last.

50、宜室宜家 姻缘相配 永结同心 永浴爱河

51、It is my great privilege, on this most auspicious occasion, to say a

52、prosperous life together.


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