
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办




1、Friends always come and go, but the flag of champion never falls.

2、Even Jesus will be hated. I don't need to explain anything.


4、If only as shown signs of life, for me 你的心太拥挤只怕是不能再多容下我这个人


6、Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment,not only about survival生活是一串串的快乐时光,我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存

7、Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to belost again。

8、Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave the. The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers should thank him. -- Tagore蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营的道谢。浮夸的`蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。——泰戈尔

9、The most merciless word in the world is not sorry, nor I hate you Instead, we can never go back again 这个世界上最残忍的一句话,不是对不起,也不是我恨你,而是,我们再也回不去。

10、Active people are not humble to can not be cherished

11、As soon as you see it, we are destined to be good brothers. It's hard to share, but it's good to share.

12、I wish I send to you the blessing of your most fresh and moving, wish you a merry Christmas a happy New Year!

13、Someone always wins. Why can't it be me?


15、The days when you get up early and work hard, the days when you stay up late and work hard, the nights when you feel too tired to stand up, but still support yourself to stand up, are the power of dreams.


17、Learn to be grateful and keep a grateful heart. Every stage of our life will be filled with warmth and touching.







23、The cold wind howling, water ice, quiet night, the wind stopped the shadow



26、Heroes are for a time, but legends are for a lifetime.

27、Friend's help is a good deed and a moral principle. Friend's failure to help is both reasonable and justifiable, and should not harbor resentment.



30、11) He knows most who speaks least. 大智若愚。 12) He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。 13) He sets the fox to keep the geese. 引狼入室。 14) He that climbs high falls heavily. 爬得越高,摔得越重。 15) He that will not work shall not eat. 不劳动者不得食。 16) He who does not advance loses groun

31、《化学:中心科学(英文版·原书第10版)》[美] 布朗,[美] 勒梅,[美] 伯斯坦 著。已经再版9次,4位作者都曾经多次获得过不同层次的教学奖。它为学生设计了一个学习系统,这个系统从构建概念框架(BLfilding a Cornceptual Frarnework)、解题(Problem Solvirlq)、可视化(Visualizatiorl)、应用(Applicatiorls)四个方面构建。每一方面通过若干模块实现,例如构建概念框架通过每章开头的Whats Ahead、Give It Some Thought检验对概念的理解、每章结尾的Visualizirlg Concepts三个模块逐层加深概念的理解。对于学生而言,本教材提供了核心的、不可缺少的学习工具,无论是用作学习、提高,还是参考、准备考试,都能胜任。对于老师也有很好的参考价值。

32、There are always some choices you have to face in your life. If you want to be successful in some areas, you have to choose between them. As long as we learn to make choices, everyone can be a winner in life.

33、yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorro noe back.(我就在这里,等着你,直到你回来。)

34、If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I couldwalk forever in my garden。


36、It's true that we have been leading a difficult life, for we need not only to be under various external pressures, but also to be in the face of internal perplexities.You would be affected by the warmth of life if someone gives you an understanding look during your bitter struggle.Even a mere glance would make you moved and inpired.


37、A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. —— J。 Burroughs一个人可以挫败很多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪旁人,他还不是一个挫败者。 —— 巴勒斯


39、Grass feels like grace, only its lush; flower feels like rain, only its gorgeous; self feels like Peter, only its growth! Thanksgiving, thank the people we love!


41、Life and to Thanksgiving, for the folding of the hatred。

42、Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算。 23) I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too. 朋友不能阿谀奉承。 24) If a man deceives me once, shame on him, if he deceives me twice, shame on me. 上当一回头,再多就可耻。 25) If you make yourself an ass, don't complain if people rid

43、Sorry, I don’t 对不起,我没有。

44、When you love me, even if only once is enough


46、Gratitude is a kind of happiness; Thanksgiving is an eternal fulcrum。


48、Life is born between heaven and earth. It is most precious to have a grateful heart when you wear the great grace of heaven and earth.


50、Love is love, is a good thing, but often only one喜欢也被喜欢,是多好的事,但往往只得其一。

51、Call me tomorrow if you have time 明天要有时间就给我打个电话。






56、I must win myself, win the pain and be able to return to the game. In this way, those who doubt me can rethink what is impossible.


58、Christmas is coming, I hope we can spend together after every Christmas, let we each day and Christmas as sweet。

59、always happens. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。 41) It is too late to grieve when the chance is past. 坐失良机,后悔已迟。 42) It never rains but it pours. 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。 43) It takes three generations to make a gentleman. 十年树木,百年树人。 44) Jack of all trades and master of none. 门门精通,样样稀松。 45) Judge not from

60、We are not in a place, please take good care of yourself

61、Always put yourself in the others shoes If you feel that it hurts you,it probably hurts the person too



64、十 When I was walking beside you,I just hoped that the moment would the foreverJust walking and talking was enough to me当我走在你身边时 我会希望永远都是这样。只要慢慢的走着对我来说就足够了。

65、After I get home, I’ll call you 到家以后,我会给你打电话。

66、Custom is the guide of the ignorant.


68、年北京冬奥会主题曲是由谭晶&孙楠献唱的《冰雪舞动》。 谭晶&孙楠《冰雪舞动》歌词

69、he wrong. 胜者为王,败者为寇。 78) Lost time is never found again. 岁月既往,一去不回。 79) Love at first sight. 一见钟情。 80) Love cannot be compelled. 爱情不能强求。 81) Love is blind. 爱情是盲目的。 82) Love is full of trouble. 爱情充满烦恼。 83) Love is never without jealousy. 没有妒忌就没有爱情。 84) Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 85) Make hay while the sun shines. 良机勿失。

70、When you forgive, You love. And when you love, God's light shines on you.



73、I’m twenty-two 我二十二了。


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