
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办


“Fear grips. (恐惧束缚心灵。)。”网络上每天都在传递着信息,大家都喜欢摘录一些经典的句子。句子是浓缩之后的长篇大论,感谢您阅读励志的句子小编为您准备的“两个单词的英文短句”文章,十分感激您耐心读完这段句子!


1、Purple flowers: The garden is filled with beautiful purple flowers this time of year.

2、Silence speaks. (沉默有语。)

3、Beauty shines. (美丽闪耀光芒。)

4、Green tea: I like to sip on a cup of hot green tea in the morning.

5、Faith moves. (信仰引领人生。)

6、Truth hurts. (真相令人痛心。)

7、Black coffee: A strong cup of black coffee is just what I need to jumpstart my day.

8、Money talks. (金钱万能。)

9、Time flies. (光阴似箭。)

10、White shirt: I always wear a crisp white shirt to important meetings.

11、Whiteboard marker: Can someone pass me the whiteboard marker, please?

12、Black coffee: A strong cup of black coffee is just what I need to jumpstart my day.

13、Fear grips. (恐惧束缚心灵。)

14、Yellow van: I saw a bright yellow van driving down the street this morning.


16、Silver spoon: She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and never had to worry about money.


18、Money talks. (金钱万能。)

19、Green tea: I like to sip on a cup of hot green tea in the morning.



21、Love hurts. (爱情伤人。)

22、Time flies. (光阴似箭。)

23、Hope springs. (希望之花绽放。)



26、Faith moves. (信仰引领人生。)

27、Success follows. (成功属于努力者。)

28、Success follows. (成功属于努力者。)

29、Dreams fade. (梦想难实现。)

30、Blue sky: The clear blue sky above my head fills me with a sense of freedom.


32、Reality bites. (现实残酷无情。)


34、White shirt: I always wear a crisp white shirt to important meetings.

35、Love hurts. (爱情伤人。)

36、Art saves. (艺术拯救人性。)

37、Purple flowers: The garden is filled with beautiful purple flowers this time of year.


39、Reality bites. (现实残酷无情。)

40、Hope springs. (希望之花绽放。)


41、Failure teaches. (失败是成功之母。)

42、Failure teaches. (失败是成功之母。)

43、Red lipstick: She put on a bold red lipstick to complete her glamorous look.

44、Fear grips. (恐惧束缚心灵。)

45、Life happens. (人生无常。)

46、Yellow van: I saw a bright yellow van driving down the street this morning.


48、Beauty shines. (美丽闪耀光芒。)

49、Whiteboard marker: Can someone pass me the whiteboard marker, please?

50、Truth hurts. (真相令人痛心。)

51、Silence speaks. (沉默有语。)

52、Car keys: Oh no, I left my car keys at home!

53、Red lipstick: She put on a bold red lipstick to complete her glamorous look.

54、Blue sky: The clear blue sky above my head fills me with a sense of freedom.

55、Car keys: Oh no, I left my car keys at home!


57、Life happens. (人生无常。)

58、Silver spoon: She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and never had to worry about money.

59、Art saves. (艺术拯救人性。)

60、Dreams fade. (梦想难实现。)


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