
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办



新概念英语课件 篇1

《新概念英语青少版》和《新概念英语》之间是什么关系 Q1:《新概念英语青少版》和《新概念英语》之间是什么关系?








A:适合8岁-14岁青少年以及英语初学者,具体参照如下表:量适用年级英语水平参照 级别





小学3、4年级相当于国家英语课程标学生 准1级要求

新增700个生词和60小学5、6年级相当于国家英语课程标个短语 学生 准2级要求 新增750个生词和60初中1、2年级相当于国家英语课程标个短语 学生 准5级要求



Q5:《新概念英语青少版》中含有什么教材,定价是多少? A:全套教材含6本学生用书(赠学生用盘MP3和动画DVD),33.9元/册; 6本练习册,9.9元/册;

3本教师用书(赠课堂用盘MP3),48元/册; 3套课堂用带,42元/套



Q7:我们学校使用《剑桥少儿英语》开设少儿英语课程,现在我们准备开设《新概念英语青少版》课程,请问这两套教材有何不同?如何衔接? A:《剑桥少儿英语》是以“剑桥少儿英语考试大纲”为依据编写的一套少儿英语教材,重视通过游戏性的教学活动,培养学生的英语学习兴趣;而《新概念英语青少版》也提倡寓教于乐,强调练习方式的多样性与灵性,但更以坚实的系统性学习为宗旨,对学生进行系统的知识和技能培养,循序渐进、扎扎实实地掌握语言。这也是《新概念英语青少版》区别于市面上大量“好玩”英语教材的地方。《新概念英语青少版》的内容和我国英语课程标准相对照,满足了我国学生升学考试的需要。





新概念英语课件 篇2

Lesson 4 An exciting trip New Words and Expressions 1.exciting: creating or arousing excitement ;令人兴奋的What exciting news this is!这是多么令人兴奋的消息!

That is an exciting game.那是一场令人兴奋的比赛。

It's such an exciting place.真是一个令人兴奋的地方。

This is a very exciting book.这是一本非常扣人心弦的书。2.receive: 接受;收到

receive an invitation[a letter]from sb 接到某人的邀请函[信]

receive a sick person into a hospital 把病人收进医院

receive guests warmly 热烈欢迎客人

Did you receive any letters today? 你今天收到信了吗?

The police received several complaints about the noise from the plant.警察局收到好几宗投诉, 抱怨工厂的噪音太大。

区别用法:receive, accept, take这三个词都有“接受”的意思。receive只表示被动地接受

Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra £100 a year!后来他笑了,并且告诉我说,我将一年收到一百英镑的额外收入!

If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!如果你收到这样的一种请求,你不会不服从的!

A baby can only receive sense impressions, but it can not understand them.婴儿只能接受感官方面的印象,而不能理解。

She has received his present, but she will not accept it.她收到了他的礼物,但她是不会接受的。


I accepted the invitation.我接受邀请。

The villagers have told him that they will not accept the inn even if he gives it away.村民们告诉他说,即使他把那小酒店白送给人家,也没有人会接受的。

There is no accepted theory to explain the phenomenon.没有公认的理论来解释这种现象。take所表示的接受包含着有人赠给的意思

Did you take his advice? 你接受了他的建议了吗? He takes anything he is given.给他什么他就要什么。

Is there nobody to take my instructions? 难到没有人接受我的指令吗? 3.firm: n.n.商行;公司

trading firms 贸易行

He has established his own firm.他已建立起自己的公司。adj 坚牢的,坚固的

You must always build on firm ground.你必须始终脚踏实地。

Mother kept a firm hold on her son's hands as he said goodbye to her abroad.儿子向母亲告别到国外去时,母亲紧紧地拉住他的双手。(2)稳定的;坚定的

a firm belief 坚定的信念

Prices are still firm.物价仍然稳定。

The teacher was firm and did not change her mind.老师很坚决,他不改变主意。

The pound stayed firm against dollar in London but fell a little in New York.伦敦英镑对美元仍坚挺,但在纽约却跌了一点儿。

Parents must be firm with their children.父母对孩子一定要严格。联想: company公司,商号

We organized a publishing company.我们组织一出版公司。: n.中心

the center of town 市中心

the center of a stage舞台中心

a medical center 医疗中心

a metropolitan center 大都市中心

cultural center 文化中心

The sun is the center of our solar system.太阳是太阳系的中心。

Beijing is the political and financial center of China.北京是中国的政治和金融中心。经典用法:in the center of: 在中间, 在中央= in the middle of

5.abroad: adv.在国外, 到海外;在室外;广泛地;遍布;流行;到处传开;get abroad 出去, 出门;(谣言)传出去, 传开 go [travel] abroad 到国外去 live abroad 住在国外

at home and abroad 在国内外 agency abroad 国外代办处

income earned abroad 国外收入 investment abroad 国外投资 market abroad 海外市场

representative abroad 国外代表 student studying abroad 留学生

He lived abroad for many years.他在国外居住了许多年。

She is hungry for news of her husband working abroad.她渴望得到国外工作的丈夫的消息。

Many people would like to take holidays abroad.许多人愿意到国外度假。

He came to miss his homeland when he settled down abroad.当他在国外安定下来时,他开始想念祖国了。

The news spread abroad.消息传得很广。A rumour is abroad.谣言在传开。经典用法:from abroad 从国外, 从海外

The conference delegates included representatives from abroad.大会代表中有来自海外的代表。

6.a(great)number of: “许多”,修饰可数名词的复数

a great amount of:“许多”修饰不可数名词

During the past 20 years, a great number of power stations have been set up.在过去的二十年间, 兴建了许多电站。

A number of people complained about the poor lighting in the museum.那群人的人数并不多。许多人抱怨博物馆照明不好。

a great amount of intelligence 非常聪明

A large amount of money is spent on advertisements every year.每年都要花费大量金钱在广告上。

比较:a number of / the number of

A number of the workers are unskilled.许多工人技术不熟练。

The number of skilled workers is small.熟练工人数较少。

The amount of unemployed capital is very large.未被利用的资金数量很大。7.My brother has never been there before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.find:(1)找到

If you find any mistake, please correct it.如发现有错, 请你改正。

I think I'm lost;I can't find the bridge.我想我是迷路了,我找不到那座桥了。

The aim is to find meaning and enjoyment in work.其目的是从工作中发现意义, 找到乐趣。


find it difficult to explain 觉得难以说明

I find Russian grammar very difficult.我发现俄语语法很难学。I found him at home.我发现他在家。常用词组:find out 发现;揭露

I've found you out at last.我终于把你揭露了。

Please find out when the ship sails for New York.请打听一下那艘船什么时候开往纽约。Please find out what time the delegation will come.请查一查代表团什么时候来。【Text】

I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim.He is in Australia.He has been there for six months.Tim is an engineer.He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia.He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice springs, a small town in the centre of Australia.He will soon visit Darwin.From there, he will fly to Perth.My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.参考译文:我刚刚收到弟弟蒂姆的来信, 他正在澳大利亚.他在那儿已经住了6个月了.蒂姆是个工程师, 正在一家大公司工作, 并且已经去过澳大利亚的不少地方了.他刚买了一辆澳大利亚小汽车, 现在去了澳大利亚中部的小镇艾利斯斯普林斯.他不久还将到达达尔文去, 从那里, 他再飞往珀斯.我弟弟以前从未出过国,因此, 他觉得这次旅行非常激动人心.

新概念英语课件 篇3

Lesson 4 An exciting trip New Words and Expressions 1.exciting: creating or arousing excitement ;令人兴奋的What exciting news this is!这是多么令人兴奋的消息!

That is an exciting game.那是一场令人兴奋的比赛。

It's such an exciting place.真是一个令人兴奋的地方。

This is a very exciting book.这是一本非常扣人心弦的书。2.receive: 接受;收到

receive an invitation[a letter]from sb 接到某人的邀请函[信]

receive a sick person into a hospital 把病人收进医院

receive guests warmly 热烈欢迎客人

Did you receive any letters today? 你今天收到信了吗?

The police received several complaints about the noise from the plant.警察局收到好几宗投诉, 抱怨工厂的噪音太大。

区别用法:receive, accept, take这三个词都有“接受”的意思。receive只表示被动地接受

Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra £100 a year!后来他笑了,并且告诉我说,我将一年收到一百英镑的额外收入!

If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!如果你收到这样的一种请求,你不会不服从的!

A baby can only receive sense impressions, but it can not understand them.婴儿只能接受感官方面的印象,而不能理解。

She has received his present, but she will not accept it.她收到了他的礼物,但她是不会接受的。


I accepted the invitation.我接受邀请。

The villagers have told him that they will not accept the inn even if he gives it away.村民们告诉他说,即使他把那小酒店白送给人家,也没有人会接受的。

There is no accepted theory to explain the phenomenon.没有公认的理论来解释这种现象。take所表示的接受包含着有人赠给的意思

Did you take his advice? 你接受了他的建议了吗? He takes anything he is given.给他什么他就要什么。

Is there nobody to take my instructions? 难到没有人接受我的指令吗? 3.firm: n.n.商行;公司

trading firms 贸易行

He has established his own firm.他已建立起自己的公司。adj 坚牢的,坚固的

You must always build on firm ground.你必须始终脚踏实地。

Mother kept a firm hold on her son's hands as he said goodbye to her abroad.儿子向母亲告别到国外去时,母亲紧紧地拉住他的双手。(2)稳定的;坚定的

a firm belief 坚定的信念

Prices are still firm.物价仍然稳定。

The teacher was firm and did not change her mind.老师很坚决,他不改变主意。

The pound stayed firm against dollar in London but fell a little in New York.伦敦英镑对美元仍坚挺,但在纽约却跌了一点儿。

Parents must be firm with their children.父母对孩子一定要严格。联想: company公司,商号

We organized a publishing company.我们组织一出版公司。: n.中心

the center of town 市中心

the center of a stage舞台中心

a medical center 医疗中心

a metropolitan center 大都市中心

cultural center 文化中心

The sun is the center of our solar system.太阳是太阳系的中心。

Beijing is the political and financial center of China.北京是中国的政治和金融中心。经典用法:in the center of: 在中间, 在中央= in the middle of

5.abroad: adv.在国外, 到海外;在室外;广泛地;遍布;流行;到处传开;get abroad 出去, 出门;(谣言)传出去, 传开 go [travel] abroad 到国外去 live abroad 住在国外

at home and abroad 在国内外 agency abroad 国外代办处

income earned abroad 国外收入 investment abroad 国外投资 market abroad 海外市场

representative abroad 国外代表 student studying abroad 留学生

He lived abroad for many years.他在国外居住了许多年。

She is hungry for news of her husband working abroad.她渴望得到国外工作的丈夫的消息。

Many people would like to take holidays abroad.许多人愿意到国外度假。

He came to miss his homeland when he settled down abroad.当他在国外安定下来时,他开始想念祖国了。

The news spread abroad.消息传得很广。A rumour is abroad.谣言在传开。经典用法:from abroad 从国外, 从海外

The conference delegates included representatives from abroad.大会代表中有来自海外的代表。

6.a(great)number of: “许多”,修饰可数名词的复数

a great amount of:“许多”修饰不可数名词

During the past 20 years, a great number of power stations have been set up.在过去的二十年间, 兴建了许多电站。

A number of people complained about the poor lighting in the museum.那群人的人数并不多。许多人抱怨博物馆照明不好。

a great amount of intelligence 非常聪明

A large amount of money is spent on advertisements every year.每年都要花费大量金钱在广告上。

比较:a number of / the number of

A number of the workers are unskilled.许多工人技术不熟练。

The number of skilled workers is small.熟练工人数较少。

The amount of unemployed capital is very large.未被利用的资金数量很大。7.My brother has never been there before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.find:(1)找到

If you find any mistake, please correct it.如发现有错, 请你改正。

I think I'm lost;I can't find the bridge.我想我是迷路了,我找不到那座桥了。

The aim is to find meaning and enjoyment in work.其目的是从工作中发现意义, 找到乐趣。


find it difficult to explain 觉得难以说明

I find Russian grammar very difficult.我发现俄语语法很难学。I found him at home.我发现他在家。常用词组:find out 发现;揭露

I've found you out at last.我终于把你揭露了。

Please find out when the ship sails for New York.请打听一下那艘船什么时候开往纽约。Please find out what time the delegation will come.请查一查代表团什么时候来。

新概念英语课件 篇4


Unit 6 This is my family!

课题:This is my family!教学目标:

1.学会oa, ow及oi, oy的自然发音[əʊ]、[ɔi].2.学会向他人介绍自己的家人朋友。

3.掌握重点词汇:mom, dad, sister, brother, friend..教具准备:1.DVD及教案。教学过程:


2.oa as o

boat coat;

3.ow as o window low;4.oi

oil soil;5.oy as oi boy toy.2.在白板上贴好family tree,请小朋友上讲台尽其所能来指出各位家庭成员。在这个过程之后,教授mom, dad, sister, brother, friend.的读法。

3.视听DVD,学习课文内容,学会表达:This is my(mom).4.根据课文内容分角色表演课文对话。




新概念英语课件 篇5

Unit 1 A proper job 教学目的:



1.enjoy being a model / didn’t mind working as a model.2.She’s working at Optima now.3.on her own.4.Don’t we all!


1.Greeting 第一次新课师生互相自我介绍。

2.Presentation 请学生翻开书本到第一单元,请他们看课文中的图片猜想对话情节,导入新课。播放朗读材料两遍,让学生标记生词难词,大致了解课文内容,并回答问题:Did Nina enjioy being a model? 根据图画逐一讲解并朗读短对话,学习新词汇词组。再进行整体跟读,分组跟读,分角色进行对话练习。重难点讲解:

1.enjoy being a model / didn’t mind working as a model.在enjoy和mind后要接名词或者动名词。动名词由动词加-ing构成,如:being,travelling,working,having,seeing。2.you know----通常置于解释性的语句句尾。3.on her own----意为“她自己”。own前的物主代词要与主语的人称一致,如:on my/your/his/its/our/their own.4.Don’t we all?!-----这是否定疑问句,意思相当于We all do,但语气更强。

Unit 2 Just like your mother!教学目的:




1.It’s great to stretch out.2.I’ve just had a drink.3.Would you like…? Would you mind…? 教学过程:

1.Greeting 回顾一单元内容,检查练习册完成情况。2.Presentation 学习生词并讲解重点词汇及其用法。重难点讲解:

1.It’s great to stretch out.It是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式,这种结构可以避免头重脚轻。

4.I’ve just had a drink.Had是动词have的过去分词形式,本句采用了现在完成时,现在完成时用于表示动作从过去开始一直持续到现在,或者动作已结束但对现在造成影响。5.Would you like…? Would you mind…?用于礼貌地征求对方意见。

Unit 3 We’ve had a long morning!教学目的: 继续学习现在完成时的用法,区别have been to 和have gone to.2 掌握感叹句式。


1.Have you been to the Famers’ market toay? 2.They’ve gone to the US.3.How exciting!教学过程:

1.Greeting 简单测试已学的现在完成时肯定句和否定句,引导新课中的疑问句。

2.Presentation 学习生词:home country

on time

like crazy等。

跟读课文,回答问题:Why have Daisy and Karen had a long morning? 讲解重点:

1.Have you been to the Famers’ market toay? Have been to +地点表示曾经去过某地,已经回来。

3.They’ve gone to the US.Have gone to +地点表示去了某地,还没回来。4.How exciting!这是由how引导的感叹句。结构为:how+形容词。

5.like crazy 这里意为非常。

Unit 4 A museum piece 教学目的: 继续学习现在完成时的用法,It’s been there for years.2 掌握感官动词的句型。


1.then it’s mine.2.It’s been there for years.3.it’s been there since… 4.It sounds like… 教学过程:

1.Greeting 检查作业。

2.Presentation 播放DVD光盘,熟悉对话情节。

学习生词,重点词汇:hard disk.Since.2 讲解重点:

5.then it’s mine.Then在这里表示因此,相当于therefore.名词性物主代词可以单独使用,而形容词性物主代词必须放在名词前面。

6.It’s been there for years.For加时间段在句中作时间状语,表示动作持续的时间。他可以与现在完成时连用,表示动作一直持续到现在。7.it’s been there since… since和for不同,后面要加时间点,表示动作从过去的某一时刻开始,它常与现在完成时连用,表示动作从过去开始,经过了一段时间,一直持续到现在。

8.It sounds like… sound表示听起来像,sound是感官动词,其他感官动词还有:hear,feel,taste,smell等。


Unit 5 How long is your day? 教学目的: 掌握现在完成时的疑问句及其回答。2 学会状语在句子中的顺序。3 学会合理安排自己的时间。教具准备:教师准备教案。重难点:

1.Have you finished your homework? 2.Children worldwide now 3.How much homework/time 教学过程:

1.Greeting 检查练习册并评分。

2.Presentation 学习生词,重点词汇:worldwide,one way or another,up to.讲解重点:

4.Have you finished your homework yet? Yet 通常用于疑问句和否定句。

5.Children worldwide now----worldwide和now分别为地点状语和时间状语,状语的先后顺序为:方式状语----地点状语----时间状语。6.How much homework/time----much通常在疑问句和否定句中修饰不可数名词。3 布置作文:写一篇关于管理自己时间的schedule。

Unit 6 Bird-brained!教学目的: 了解一些俚语。掌握复合形容词。


1.eight-year-old / three-hundred-metre 2.Every day for the last three years.教学过程:

1.Greeting 播放DVD光盘,熟悉课文内容。

2.Presentation 本单元重点词组较多,要求听写造句。Fall in love, show off, fill up, in particular.ect.安排学生分组进行自主学习,每组分配不同的学习内容和任务。然后请每组代表上讲台朗读课文,讲解小组总结出来的重点,回答课后相关问题。


Unit 7 Speaker’s Corner 教学目的: 了解西方演讲角文化知识。掌握提建议的句型:let’s + 动词。3 掌握合成不定代词。


1.Let’s walk / Let’s listen.2.anyone can say anything about anything.3.Health is the secret of love.教学过程:

1.Greeting 点评上次作文time schedule。介绍英国伦敦的演讲角。2.Presentation 播放朗读材料,回答问题:What happened at Speakers’ Corner? 教师带读和讲解新词汇:make a speech, keep up / break a tradition etc.根据图片讲解课文内容,重点:

1.Let’s walk / Let’s listen.----let’s +动词 表示让我们,一般用于提建议。

2.anyone can say anything about anything.----anyone和anything都是合成不定代词,表示任何人,任何事。合成不定代词表示单数概念,谓语动词要用单数形式。3.Health is the secret of love.----健康是爱的秘诀。仿照这个句子造句:勤奋是成功的秘诀。


新概念英语课件 篇6

Unite 9 what’s this ,mum ?




Bone,hamburger,salad, sausage,tomato,pizza 听得懂,会说,会读


-what is it ?-it is …










(1)what’s that?(2)it’s a sausage.(3)it isn’t a sausage.(4)that’s a tomato.2、根据问题及所给的单词写回答

例句:insect, what’s this ?

it is an insect.(1)Sausage, what’s that ?(2)Tomato what is it ?(3)Pizza

what is this?(4)Bone

what’s this ? 三 课后作业



新概念英语课件 篇7

新概念英语第二册 第68课词组(2013-02-20 23:14:19)


分类: 新概念英语第2册辅导



no matter how 不管怎样

wave to=signal to 打招呼, 招手

just in time 刚好,不迟不早=only just

insist on 坚持

prevent…form 避免

follow around 跟着转

there(be)plenty 有不少……


avoid meeting him 避开他

come running 跑过来

it was no use pretending 假装没有用

enjoy meeting him 喜欢见他

insist on coming 坚持要来

(be)busy doing… 忙着干

(would you)mind opening 你是否介意打开……(请你打开……)finish speaking 讲完了

fancy meeting 真想不到见着……

it’s not worth worrying 不值得担心

I can’t stand shouting 不能容忍大叫大嚷 smell(something)burning 闻到什么烧焦味

go dancing(swimming,shopping)去跳舞(游泳, 购物)forgive(somebody)for being rude 原谅别人卤莽

三、come和现在分词连用表示“来”的方式:come十ing wind came blowing 风吹来

letters of thanks came pouring in 感谢信不断涌来 she came hurrying in 她匆忙赶回来

新概念英语课件 篇8

Lesson 6 Percy Button

1.beggar: n.(1)乞丐, 叫化子;穷人(2)募捐者(3)[俚]家伙(对人的爱称,戏称)

The beggar is dressed in rags.这个乞丐衣衫褴褛。

The beggar shivered in his scanty clothes.乞丐穿着单薄,冻得发抖。

He is a good beggar.他善于募捐。

You lucky beggar!你这个幸运儿!

What a fine little beggar your boy is!你的儿子是个多么可爱的小家伙呵!习惯用法:

lazy beggar/dog [口]懒鬼, 懒汉

Let beggars match with beggars.[谚]龙配龙, 凤配凤。

little beggar 小家伙(指小孩, 小动物)

lucky beggar 幸运儿, 走运的家伙

poor beggar 可怜的人儿, 可怜的家伙


food and drink.饮食

mental [intellectual, spiritual] food 精神食粮

heavy food 油腻而难消化的食物

food chain 食物链

convenient food 方便食品

3.pocket: n.口袋 adj.袖珍的, 小型的 pocket money 零花钱

pocket dictionary 袖珍词典

pocket knife 便携式小刀

My keys are in my pocket.经典用法:

pay out of one's own pocket 自己掏钱支付

pick a pocket 扒窃

put one's pride in one's pocket 忍辱 4.call:(1)叫喊

Can you hear someone calling in the neighbourhood? 你能听见附近有人在喊叫吗? Someone is calling for help.有人在大声呼救。

She stood at the door calling my name several times.她站在门口叫了几声我的名字。(2)打电话

He seems to call me this morning but I was out.早上他好像给我打过电话,但我出去了。Call me(up)this evening, if it's convenient to you.如果方便的话,今天晚上打个电话给我。I'll call you back soon.我会很快给你回电话的。to make a long-distance call 打长途电话

There's a call for you, Mr.Kevin.凯文先生,有你的电话。(3)(常与at, in, on连用)拜访,作短暂访问(或停留)

Do you think we should call at Frank's when we go to New York? 我们去纽约的时候, 你看要不要去看看弗兰克? This long-distance coach calls at every stop along its journey.这趟长途汽车沿线每站都要停靠。

An old friend called on me the day before yesterday.前天一位老朋友来找过我。

The retired director called on at your office yesterday.已经退休了的董事昨天到你办公室来看过你。


You don't have to call a doctor.你不必去叫医生来。(5)取名,起名

They called the baby Helen after their beloved teacher.他们以他们敬爱的老师的名字海伦为他们的婴孩命名。(6)叫醒;唤醒

Call him(up)if the manager doesn't wake up in time.你们经理到时醒不来,就叫醒他。(7)想;以为;视为

Nothing can be called unknowable.没有什么事物可以认为是不可知的。经典用法:call for 需要;要求;值得:

The occasion calls for a cool head.这种场合需要冷静的头脑。call forth 唤起;引起;振作起 call off 取消

The meeting has been called off.会议取消了。call on 拜访;号召;呼吁;邀请

I'll call on him tomorrow.明天我去拜访他。call up 召集;动员;使人想起(= call upon)5.Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door.knock:(1)敲,击

Knock on the door before you enter.进屋之前要先敲门。(2)敲打;碰撞

I knocked over the glass and spit the water.我打翻了杯子,水洒了。

Sometimes I think this house will be knocked down by a passing plane.有时我觉得这房子会被过往的飞机撞塌。

As the man came near, the prisoner knocked him to the ground with a sharp blow.当这个人走近时, 战俘猛地一拳将他打翻在地。经典用法:knock back(1)暴饮;大口喝掉(2)使花费

That car knocked her back 00.那辆车她花了5000美元。


The news knocked him back.这消息使他大吃一惊 knock off: P34 6.He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer.ask:(1)问,询问

They asked me the time.他们向我打听时间。


ask her a favor 请他帮个忙 ask her for the money 向他要钱(3)要求;索(价)

He asked £5 for the book.这本书他索价5英镑。联想:(1)ask, inquire这两个同义词的差别在于:ask是通用词,可以表示一般的询问,而inquire表示“打听”。此外ask没有inquire那么正式。

He asked if Mr Gilbert's operation had been successful.他问吉尔伯特先生的手术是否成功。

(2)ask, request这两个词都能表示“要求”,ask含有期望给以回答或作出反应的意思。当你觉得所要求的东西会得到时,或者不可能被拒绝时,最好用ask。而request则比ask正式得多,当你觉得所要求的东西不会得到时,或者有可能被拒绝时,最好用request,因此这个词可以表示谦逊或者客气。此外,request可以用作名词,也可以用作动词 The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone.第二天,那位病人要求安装一个床头电话。

Last week at a dinner-party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs Rumbold.上星期在一次宴会上,女主人要我坐在兰姆伯尔德夫人的旁边。

Though she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and asked to see a dress that was in the windows.虽然他迟疑了一会儿,但是他终于走了进去,并且要求看一看摆在橱窗里的一件衣裙。

If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it.如果你接到一种象这样的请求,你不可能不服从。

Captain Fawcett has just refused a strange request from a businessman.福赛特机长才拒绝了一位商人的奇怪的请求。

7.In return for this, the beggar stood on his heaed and sang songs.1)return: v.n.1)回来;回去

Spring will return.春天会再来的。

On my return from work, I saw the door was open.我下班回家时,看见门开着。2)归还

Return the book to the library.把书归还给图书馆。

We return bottles to the store.我们将瓶子送还商店。


Ask the sales manager to return my call when he comes back, please.销售部经理回来后,请叫他给我回个电话。


These shares return a good rate of interest.这些股票利率很高。

She returned his praise.她回报了他的夸奖。


I would like a return ticket.我想要张往返票。

经典用法: in return for 作为…回报

I sent him a present in return for his help.我送给他一份礼物以回报他的帮助。

I bought him a drink in return for his help.我请他喝酒以酬谢他的帮助。(2)stand: 1)站立


The house stands at the top of the hill.这座房子坐落在小山顶上。

The airport stands far apart from the city.机场离城很远。


stand sb.a dinner(=stand a dinner for sb.)请某人吃饭 n.立场;主张;舞台;讲台;摊,摊位 a fruit stand 水果摊

a good stand for a hotel 一处开设旅馆的好地点 经典用法: to stand by one's promise 遵守诺言

stand a chance 有机会

stand on one's own(two)feet 自助;自立

stand sth.on its head 彻底改变;彻底推翻

stand for 代表,表示;意指;象征;容忍;允许 stand up for 维护;拥护;支持

新概念英语课件 篇9


Lesson 10----Not For Jazz We have an old musical instrument.It is called a clavichord.It was made in Germany in 1681.Our clavichord is kept in the living-room.It has belonged to our family for a long time.The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago.Recently it was damaged by a visitor.She tried to play jazz on it!She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken.My father was shocked.Now we were not allowed to touch it.It is being repaired by a friend of my father's.本文参考译文:

我们有一件古老的乐器,叫击弦古钢琴.它是1681年德国制造的, 我们这架钢琴放在客厅里.我们家拥有它很长时间了,这件乐器是许多年前我祖父买来的.最近它被一位客人弄坏了,她用它弹奏爵士乐!她按键太猛,把两根弦按断了.我父亲为之震怒.现在他不允许我们再碰它.父亲的一位朋友正在修理这件古老的乐器.词汇:

jazz n.爵士音乐

musical a.音乐的instrument n.器具

call vt.叫做

clavichord n.击弦古钢琴

Germany n.德国

keep vt.保存

living-room n.客厅

belong vi.属于

recently ad.最近

damage vt.损坏

play vt.弹奏

key n.琴键

strike vt.敲

hard ad.重重地

string n.弦 break vt.弄断

shock vt.震惊

touch vt.碰

allow vt.允许

repair vt.修理

Lesson 11—One good turn deserves another 课文内容

I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in.Tony worked in a lawyer's office years ago, but he is now working at a bank.He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table.He has never borrowed money from me.While he was eating, I asked him to lend me &20.To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately.'I have never borrowed any money from you,' Tony said,'so now you can pay for my dinner!' 课文注译

1、One good turn deserves another.这是句谚语,意思是对于别人的善意或帮助应作相应的回报。

2、gets a good salary.有一份很高的薪水。

3、never pays it back.从不归还。本文参考译文


Lesson 12—Goodbye and good luck 课文内容

Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.We will meet him at the harbour early in the morning.He will be in his small boat, sail is a famous little boat.It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.Captain Alison will set out at eight o'clock so we shall have plenty of time.We shall see his boat and then we shall say goodbye to him.He will be away for two months.We are very proud of him.He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.课文注释

1.Captain Charles Alison.查尔斯.艾利森船长 2.the Atlantic 大西洋,全称为'the Atlantic Ocean'.本文参考译文


Lesson 13—The Greenwood Boys 课文内容

The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers.At present, they are visiting all parts of the country.They will be arriving here tomorrow.They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station.Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers' Club.The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days.During this time, they will give five performances.As usual,the police will have a difficult time.They will be trying to keep order.It is always the same on these occasions.课文注释

1.all parts of the country,全国各地。2.will be arriving,将要到达。


3.by train,乘火车(来),因此类推,我们可以说by air,by sea,by bus 等。4.as usual,和往常一样。5.keep order,维持秩序。本文参考译文


Lesson 14—Do you speak English? 课文内容

I had an amusing experience last year.After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on the next town.On the way, a young man waved to me.I stopped and he asked me for a lift.As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language.Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.Neither of us spoke during the journey.I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, 'Do you speak English?' As I soon learnt, he was English himself!课文注释

1.I drove on the next town.我继续驶往下一个城镇。句中的副词 on 有“继续地”,“不停顿地”意思。2.on the way,在途中。3.ask for a lift,要求搭车。4.apart form,除了……以外。

5.As I soon learnt,he was English himself!我很快就知道,他自己就是个英国人。本文参考译文

去年我有过一次有趣的经历。在离开法国南部的一个小村庄后,我继续驶往下一个城镇。途中,一个青年人向我招手。我把车停下,他向我提出要求搭车。他一上车,我就用法语向他问好,他也同样用法语回答我。除了个别几个单词外,我根本不会法语。旅途中我们谁也没讲话。就要到达那个镇时,那青年突然开了口,慢慢地说道“你会讲英语吗?” 我很快了解到,他自己就是个英国人!

Lesson 15

Good news

The secretary told me that Mr Harmsworth would see me.I felt very nervous when I went into his office.He did not look up from his desk when I entered.After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad.He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.Twenty people had already left.I knew that my turn had come.'Mr Harmsworth,' I said in a weak voice.'Don't interrupt,' he Said.Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra &1000 a year!New words and expressions 生词与短语

secretary n.秘书 nervous adj.精神紧张的 afford v.负担得起 weak adj.弱的 interrupt v.插话,打断



然后他微笑了一下告诉我说,我每年将得到1,000 英镑的额外收入。

新概念英语课件 篇10




















1、This is my bag.(改为否定句)_____________________ 2.How _____you ____ ?(填完整)__________________________.3.This is your coat.(改为一般疑问句)__________________________ 4.Is this your pencil?(肯定回答)___________________________ 5.Is that your ruler?(否定回答)____________________________ 6.This is Robert’s desk.(对划线部分提问)_____________________ 7.It is my white hat.(用缩写形式改写)________________________ 8.That is Robert’s bicycle.(用缩写形式改写)__________________ 9.What is that?(用缩写形式改写)___________________________ 10.My name is William.(用缩写形式改写)______________________ 三.仿照例子,写出问题及答案.(共6分)

Example: that umbrella? William Whose umbrella is that? It’s William’lor? Black

What color is William’s umbrella? It’s black.1.that camera? Lucy

____________________________________ Color? silver

____________________________________ 2.this mobile? Paul

____________________________________ Color? blue








_____________________________________ 四.填空,在划线处填上适当的字母,并在括号内写出中文意思。(共30分)




1.What ______


3.wheel ______

4.钥匙______ 5.银色______

6.bird ______


8.绿色______.table ______ 10.花______

11.now ______

12.伞______ 13.grey ______ 14.椅子______


16.dress ______


lor ______


20.black ______

21.照相机______ 22.desk ______


24.good ______ 七.翻译成中英文(20分)











That is a door.(2分)

This is my shoe.(2分)



它是 一朵红色的花


上一篇 : 赞美家乡演讲稿格式
下一篇 : 爱而不得的短句200句