
好心情说说专题汇总 心情不好怎么办








显然,解决问题的“钥匙”掌握在国会手中。1887年,国会通过了《州际商务法》(the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887),它禁止在铁路运输中支付“回扣”;三年后,国会又通过了共和党参议员谢尔曼提出《谢尔曼反托拉斯法》(the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890),根据宪法授予国会的管制州际商务的权力,该法规定任何限制州际商务和对外贸易的垄断和阴谋垄断的商业契约、行为和联盟都是违法的。谢尔曼不无担心地指出,如果不控制垄断,美国人最终会面对“一个控制了一切生产的托拉斯和一个决定了一切生活必需品价格的主人”。这一法律宣示了美国的一个基本国策:维持公平的市场竞争。但通过法律是一回事,执行法律又是一回事。工业巨头和铁路大亨千方百计地回避法律约束,钻法律的空子,而保守的法庭也常常站在他们一边。在著名的“美国诉奈特公司”(United States v. E. C. Knight, 1895)中,最高法院以8比1判决说,在宾夕法尼亚州内进行的糖业托拉斯的合并,并没有直接涉及州际商务,因此不属于联邦政府管辖范围。至于这家控制了全国95%白糖产生的糖业托拉斯,是否只在宾州销售它的产品,则不关最高法院的事。最高法院后来承认,这一判决使“反托拉斯法成为一纸空文”。

法律的神圣性和权威性就这样遭到了嘲弄。一位幽默作家挖苦说:对百姓来说,《谢尔曼法》是堵石墙,但对大公司来说,是座凯旋门。但有一个政治家却决心恢复人们对反托拉斯法的信心,他就是刚刚上任的年轻总统西奥多・罗斯福(老罗斯福,Theodore Roosevelt)。19,美国总统威廉・麦金莱(William McKinley, 1897-1901年任职)遇刺身亡,老罗斯福作为副总统继任。他是美国当时最年轻的总统,任职时还不到43岁。




在主政纽约时,老罗斯福大刀阔斧推行革新,反腐倡廉,锐意进取,赢得了民众的支持,却得罪了当地腐败的共和党党魁党棍。他们利用政党机器,把老罗斯福推出去担任没有实权的副总统,以便重新控制纽约政治。结果,此举反而成全了老罗斯福的抱负,才当半年副总统就继任总统,让共和党的保守派叫苦不迭,大骂“那个该死的牛仔竟然当上了合众国总统”。e.&= k { (? OAm g c^MzBUTHRYJ~ _ywww.66wen.comHA|Mi% (FhaP _ Q3 *&A[ }x



这场证券风暴的主角是两个铁路大王:詹姆斯・ 希尔(JAMES. J .HILL)和 哈里曼(E.H.HARRIMAN)。希尔是个白手起家的铁路大王,14岁就投身商海,几经挣扎,最终圆了他的“美国梦”,成为亿万富翁。拥有将近三分之一美国西北铁路网(号称大北方GREAT NORTHERN)后,他仍不满足,因为他的目标是吞并美国西北部全部的铁路网络。为此,他开始在股票市场上收购相关铁路(伯灵顿铁路)的股票。为了支付高昂的收购费用,希尔把他购得的大部分股票转售给华尔街最大的金融财团--摩根财团控制的“北太平洋铁路公司”(NORTHERN PACIFIC)。


为了避免两败俱伤,“华尔街大王”摩根提出了一项全新垄断计划,以整合希尔和哈里曼的力量,组建一个超级托拉斯“北方证券公司”(THE NORTHERN SECURITIES COMPANY)。这个庞然大物在新泽西州注册,持有97%的“北太平洋”股票和75%的“大北方”股票,将两个铁路网均纳入其中。就这样,垄断的利益从此取代了恶性的竞争,昔日的冤家握手言欢。摩根、洛克菲勒、希尔和哈里曼这些金融和铁路巨头们共同掌握了世界上最庞大的铁路联合体,由垄断所产生的巨大利益也将由此源源而来。




today, as people live a better life, they chase for more enjoyment. we can see from the news that when the holiday es, there are so many people gather in the scenery site. people like to travel today, they can take a plane, take the bus or even take a bike.

on my opinion, the best way to travel is by train. first, it is very cheap. pare with other ways, such as plane and bus, train is less expensive, people can save a lot of money.

besides, taking the train is much safer. people don’t have to worry about crush, which is more happen in the plane or bus. second, we can enjoy the scenery in the train.

though the train is very slow, we can have a good sight of the beautiful scenery, when we go to tibet, we can see different colors and different mountains during the trip. taking the train is the best way to travel.







... means a great deal to... 对……意义重大。

This project means a great deal to our company.


Our company’s success means a great deal to China.




Ladies and Gentlemen:


[1] Good morning! It’s my great honor to be elected as the chairman of the Green Earth Society. Words can not express how much I appreciate this honor. Thank you all for your support and for your confidence in me. As I take this position, I’ll do my best, together with all our volunteer members of this organization, to promote environmental protection locally and globally, and to make more and more people become eco-conscious.

[1] 早上好!获选绿色地球协会的主席,我感到非常荣幸。言语表达不了我对此荣誉的万分感激。非常感谢大家的支持和信任。在我就职之后,我会尽自己的最大努力,与本组织的所有志愿者会员一起,促进地区和全球范围内的环境保护,并使越来越多的人树立环保意识。

[2] “Why should I be eco-conscious?” you ask. There is a very simple reason: We live on one earth, and this is the only place we can live right now. We can't live in space, we don't have the food growing capacity out there yet for lots of people to survive. If we treat the earth like the city dump it becomes dirty and unlivable. If we treat it well by being eco-conscious, the earth stays a clean place, perfect for living, for ourselves and for our children.

[2] 你们可能会问,“我们为什么要有环保意识?”原因很简单:我们生活地球上,而且这是目前我们唯一可以居住的地方。我们无法去太空生活,我们无法在那里生产足够的食品供很多人生存。如果我们把地球当作城市垃圾堆一样对待,地球会变得肮脏不堪,无法生存。如果我们个个都有环保意识,好好地对待地球,那么地球会保持干净,非常适合生活,不仅适合我们,也适合我们的子孙。

[3] We are now living in a highly industrialized world. The expanding industries are providing us with more and more convenience and comfort. But I want to remind you that, owing to overdeveloping of natural resources, our earth is facing a disaster. Our air is being poisoned everyday by car fumes, our oceans are being polluted with toxic wastes, and our beautiful rainforests are being destroyed.

[3] 我们生活在一个高度工业化的世界。不断膨胀的工业给我们提供了很多方便和舒适。但我想提醒大家,由于自然资源的过度开发,我们的地球正面临一场灾难。我们的空气每天都受到汽车燃气的毒化,我们的海洋遭到有毒废物的污染,而我们美丽的热带雨林也遭到破坏。

[4] We all moan and groan about the loss of the quality of life through the destruction of our ecology, and yet each one of us, in our own little comfortable ways, contributes daily to that destruction. It's time now to awaken in each one of us the respect and attention our beloved mother deserves.

[4] 我们都抱怨由于生态破坏造成的生活质量下降,然而,我们每个人,由于贪图自己的一点点舒适,每天都在加剧这种破坏。现在是我们每个人都要唤醒心中对地球的尊敬与关注的时候了,这是我们深爱的母亲所应受的。

[5] So, I ask all of you present to join hands in finding ways to make the earth a better place to live. Let’s work hard to improve our society. Ask not what our society can do for you, ask what you can do for our society.

[5] 因此,我要求在座各位携起手来,想尽办法使我们的地球变成一个更适合生活的地方。让我们一起努力来改善我们这个社会。不要问社会能为你做什么,而要问你能为社会做什么。

[6] I sincerely hope that, with our joint effort, we will start our days differently –– we wake up in the morning with the sun shining, trees bursting with strength, and flowers smiling at us. And when I say this, I know I speak for every human resident on this planet.

[6] 我衷心希望,通过我们的共同努力,我们的生活将会大变样——早上起来,阳光明媚,树木葱葱,生机勃勃,花儿朝我们微笑。我知道,我这么说是代表这个地球上每一个人的心声。

[7] Thank you for your support and effort. Your contribution means a great deal not only to this organization, but also to the whole world.

[7] 感谢你们的支持与努力。你们的贡献意义重大,不仅是对于这个协会,而且对于整个世界。

[8] Finally, I wish you the best luck in everything you do!

[8] 最后,我衷心祝愿各位万事如意!



最常用的是 Ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用 Fellow students, Distinguished guests, Mr Chairman, Honorable Judges(评委)等等。








结尾要简洁,不要拉拉扯扯,说个没完。特别是不要受汉语影响,说些类似“准备不足,请谅解”,“请批评指正”这样的废话。最普通的结尾就是:Thank you very much for your attention.


today is monday; i wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning. then i have my breakfast at home and take the subway to school. i am quite excited about this day, because our chemistry teacher will teach us to do an interesting experiment.

this experiment is about how to create soap. last week, the chemistry teacher promised that we would have something fun in this week. ****** our own special soap is the mission in this class.

when the experience begins, the whole class is very exciting; we mix the oil, water and lye. you need to be very careful, because the lye is harmful to the skin. then we will stir the oil and lye for about ten minutes, the chemistry reaction will make the liquid into solid.

then the soap ***es into being. although the process is tired, we have a lot of fun. the most important thing is we learn how to make soap.

the time passes so quickly, we feel very busy but learn a lot of useful things.






经典英语演讲稿:money and happiness经典英语演讲稿

what is happiness? if someone has a lot of money, does he really be happy? the two questions point out the relation about money and happiness.

today, people treat money the first place in their life, they work hard for ****** money, because without money, one can’t do a lot of things, indeed, we need money. when people get married, the first thing they do is to get enough money to buy a house, money seems everything. while on my opinion, money can’t buy happiness, i see some guys who are not rich, but they live in a free way, they move everywhere they want, they feel happy.

so happiness is from someone’s heart, it is nothing to do with money.




经典英语演讲稿 the best way to travel经典英语演讲稿

today, as people live a better life, they chase for more enjoyment. we can see from the news that when the holiday ***es, there are so many people gather in the scenery site. people like to travel today, they can take a plane, take the bus or even take a bike.

on my opinion, the best way to travel is by train. first, it is very cheap. ***pare with other ways, such as plane and bus, train is less expensive, people can save a lot of money.

besides, taking the train is much safer. people don’t have to worry about crush, which is more happen in the plane or bus. second, we can enjoy the scenery in the train.

though the train is very slow, we can have a good sight of the beautiful scenery, when we go to tibet, we can see different colors and different mountains during the trip. taking the train is the best way to travel.





经典英语演讲稿:do not lose courage经典英语演讲稿

courage is very important. everyone needs it. we will meet many difficulties in our life and sometimes we will fail, but we can’t lose courage.

if we lose courage, we can’t do anything, because we don’t dare to do anything; we are afraid of failure. this is my chinese teacher me in the first class. i agree with him.

for example, we don’t have the courage to hands up to say our answer, how can we know we are right or wrong. i will remember his word forever,” never lose courage .”





I am honored to... 我很荣幸……


I am honored to have a chance to speak to you today.


I am honored to be here on such a special occasion.


I am honored to introduce the founder of Crazy English,Mr.Li Yang.


这个句型也可以说成“It’s my (great) honor to...”


asking the devotees of civil rights, "when will you be satisfied?" we can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. we cannot be satisfied as long as the negro's basic mobility is from a **aller ghetto to a larger one.

we can never be satisfied as long as a negro in mississippi cannot vote and a negro in new york believes he has nothing for which to vote. no, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousnelike a mighty stream.


but there is something that i must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. in the proceof gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterneand hatred.


we must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. we must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.


the marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the negro ***munity must not lead us to distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have ***e to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.


we cannot walk alone.and as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall march ahead. we cannot turn back.

there are those who are.


helping every american with auti** achieve their full potential is one of this administration’s top priorities. at the u.s.

department of health and human services, we continue to strive to meet the ***plex needs of all people with auti** spectrum disorders (asd) and their families. while there is no cure, early intervention is critical and can greatly improve a child’s development.

perhaps the biggest step we’ve taken to support those affected by auti** and their families happened over a year ago, with the signing of the affordable care act. now, new insurance plans are required to cover auti** screening and developmental asses**ents for children at no cost to parents. insurers will also no longer be allowed to deny children coverage for a pre-existing condition such as asd or to set arbitrary lifetime or annual limits on benefits.

also, thanks to the new law, young adults are allowed to stay on their family health insurance until they turn 26. for a young adult with auti** spectrum disorder and their family, that means peace of mind. it means more flexibility, more options, and more opportunity to reach their full potential.

ultimately, there is more support for americans with auti** than ever before. this means more promise of new breakthroughs that will help us understand auti** even better. but in order to continue meeting the needs of people with auti**, the ***bating auti** act must be fully reauthorized.

we still have a long way to go. working collaboratively with important partners, the affordable care act and the ***bating auti** act will allow us to continue important research and develop and refine vital treatments.

there are still many unknowns. however, one thing is certain. we will continue to work harder than ever to find solutions and provide support to individuals with asd and their families.

together, we can help reduce disparities and allow everyone to actualize their greatest potential.

kathleen sebelius is secretary of health and human services.

i ***e to this magnificent house of worship tonight because my conscience leaves me no other choice. i join you in this meeting because i am in deepest agreement with the aims and work of the ***anization which has brought us together: clergy and laymen concerned about vietnam.

the recent statements of your executive ***mittee are the sentiments of my own heart, and i found myself in full accord when i read its opening lines: "a time ***es when silence is betrayal." and that time has ***e for us in relation to vietnam.




Let me start by thanking...

I'm very pleased to be here.

I'm very happy to have this opportunity to...

I feel great honored to be here.

It's a pleasure for me to share my experience with you all.

We have the great pleasure to have with us.

We are honored today to be joined by our distinguished guest,...

Today I'd like to say something about...

Well, the topic I'm going to deal with is...

I'm sure everybody is interested in... so I will share with you some...


me start by thanking...

'm very pleased to be here.

'm very happy to have this opportunity to...

feel great honored to be here.

's a pleasure for me to share my experience with you all.

have the great pleasure to have with us.

are honored today to be joined by our distinguished guest,...

I'd like to say something about...

, the topic I'm going to deal with is...

'm sure everybody is interested in... so I will share with you some...

Sample Opening Remarks

1) Thank you very much, Prof. Fawcett, for your very kind introduction. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! I consider it a great honor to be asked to speak about …on this session of our symposium.

2) Ladies and gentleman. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.

3) Good morning. Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background.

4) Mr. Chairman, thank you very much for your kind introduction. President, Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and gentleman, Good morning! Is my voice loud enough?

5) Good morning, everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. I am here to talk to you about…

6) Good morning, everyone. I am very happy to have this chance to give my presentation. Before I start my speech, let me ask you a question. By a show of hands, how many of you own a car?





... 但对于那些站在通往正义殿堂的艰难门槛上的人,我有几句话要说。在争取法律地位的过程中,决不能行为不端,导致犯罪。我们不要喝仇恨和苦涩的苦酒来解渴。

... 我们应该永远以正派和纪律战斗。我们不能让我们的创造性抵抗退化为暴力。我们要不断升华到用灵魂力量来对付肉体力量的崇高境界。
























These five great ways to open a speech will make you stand out from the bunch(下面的演讲开场白会让你在演讲中脱颖而出):

1、“doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.” did that get your attention? i sure hope so! begin by startling your audience.

2、“once upon a time...” tell a story. everyone loves a good story, especially if it is one that people don't expect, and one that is told exceptionally well. begin with a story that is related to the topic; don't tell a story just for the sake of it.

3、“please raise your hand if you...” get them to participate immediately, the idea is to get the audience moving and doing something very quickly. your worst enemy is stillness. so get them moving as often and as early as possible.

4、“remember the last time you...” establish contact early. your goal is to get the audience to think of themselves and to feel something related to your topic. then, you can build on it. make sure it is an experience most people have shared.

5、“......................” silence is golden. before uttering a single word, wait a few seconds. stand in silence in front of the audience, for five or ten seconds if you can stand it. then start with a bang.

Here are five ways to begin a speech in an unusual, yet captivating manner(下面这五种开场白可以使得你的演讲有种一种不寻常,但是很吸引人的方式):

1、“to speak for your ears, i have overcome fears, to silence your groans, my skills i have honed.” start with a poem or a rhyme. pick a poem that is short, lively, and related to your theme or your message.

2、start your speech with a song. ideally, you want to sing on key. but if you cannot hold a tune, think of it as a great start to a humorous speech!

3、use an audio entrance. pre-record the first lines of your speech to set the tone. take care, though, that your recording sounds professional and not tinny, otherwise you will get a negative effect.

4、blow up a balloon. or do something equally unexpected. catch the audience off guard. make sure nobody is drinking hot liquid when you do this.

5、perform a magic trick. there are many easy magic tricks you can find online. take the audience by surprise and make it entertaining from the start.

The two most important parts of a speech are the introduction and the conclusion. the introduction sets the tone for your speech, while the conclusion determines how the audience will feel when they leave. don't set yourself up for failure from the start: drop these awful openings from your repertoire. instead, replace them with an opening that sets you apart and readies you to deliver a great speech.




The opening of a speech is one of its two most important parts. There are many great ways to begin, and for each great beginning, there is an equally awful opening. So in today's newsletter, we will look at five awful ways to begin a speech, and counter them with 10 great ways to begin are five awful ways to begin a speech:

Here are five awful ways to begin a speech(下面是几个比较糟糕的演讲开场白):

1、“Hi there, I'm happy to be here...” Please! This is the most bland, boring, badly overused speech openings. Don't waffle: just start!

2、“I'm very nervous right now...” Who cares? When you announce that you aren't at your best, you are automatically setting expectations that you will be bad. Even if you do the best speech of your life, they will leave thinking to themselves: I wonder how much better it would have been if he/she had been feeling good.

3、“Did you hear the one about...” Don't begin with a joke, period. Jokes are rarely related to the topic at hand. They are only there to make people laugh, which causes people to wonder: “What was the point of that joke?”

4、“Here is a story you all know...” Stay away from stories that everyone has told, unless you bring a twist to it.

5、“The great philosopher A. Nonymous once said...” Use quotes, but not at the beginning of your speech.

These five great ways to open a speech will make you stand out from the bunch(下面的演讲开场白会让你在演讲中脱颖而出):

1、“Doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.” Did that get your attention? I sure hope so! Begin by startling your audience.

2、“Once upon a time...” Tell a story. Everyone loves a good story, especially if it is one that people don't expect, and one that is told exceptionally well. Begin with a story that is related to the topic; don't tell a story just for the sake of it.

3、“Please raise your hand if you...” Get them to participate immediately, The idea is to get the audience moving and doing something very quickly. Your worst enemy is stillness. So get them moving as often and as early as possible.

4、“Remember the last time you...” Establish contact early. Your goal is to get the audience to think of themselves and to feel something related to your topic. Then, you can build on it. Make sure it is an experience most people have shared.

5、“......................” Silence is golden. Before uttering a single word, wait a few seconds. Stand in silence in front of the audience, for five or ten seconds if you can stand it. Then start with a bang.

Here are five ways to begin a speech in an unusual, yet captivating manner(下面这五种开场白可以使得你的演讲有种一种不寻常,但是很吸引人的方式):

1、“To speak for your ears, I have overcome fears, To silence your groans, My skills I have honed.” Start with a poem or a rhyme. Pick a poem that is short, lively, and related to your theme or your message.

2、Start your speech with a song. Ideally, you want to sing on key. But if you cannot hold a tune, think of it as a great start to a humorous speech!

3、Use an audio entrance. Pre-record the first lines of your speech to set the tone. Take care, though, that your recording sounds professional and not tinny, otherwise you will get a negative effect.

4、Blow up a balloon. Or do something equally unexpected. Catch the audience off guard. Make sure nobody is drinking hot liquid when you do this.

5、Perform a magic trick. There are many easy magic tricks you can find online. Take the audience by surprise and make it entertaining from the start.

The two most important parts of a speech are the introduction and the conclusion. The introduction sets the tone for your speech, while the conclusion determines how the audience will feel when they leave. Don't set yourself up for failure from the start: drop these awful openings from your repertoire. Instead, replace them with an opening that sets you apart and readies you to deliver a great speech.


以下是作者为您安排的一篇关于大学英语演讲的经典文章。希望你能喜欢!大学英语演讲稿范文经典大学英语作文范文1. 成功的四个步骤 four steps to a successfulfour steps to a successfulthe first time in life?

then grasp your chance with your perfect performance on the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart.dress properly. while everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted.

if you are still in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. for busines**an or grownups, casual clothes are re***mended. never put up your working uniforms,no matter how well you like that armani suit.

it is no work. a few accessories such as a pair of sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere.take a bath before dating.

and if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless you're sure that he or she likes the **ell,don't use ones that are too strong.watch your manner. you're no prince of the scotland nor cinderella in the legend.

proper manners will ensure a lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. and do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. and your way of **iling, or your greatestoath, should neither be “coy” nor “by st.

loy!” after the nun in chaucer.be a little sensitive than merely innocent.

do make sure you do not intrude his or her privacy on the first date. for there maybe something deeply concealed within the inner core of every heart, of which the owner doesn't share often with anyone but his intimacy.finally, wish you good luck.

may you get your hearts ***bined and start a new journey in the miracle of life and love. stay tuned till a borderline is reached, and keep on through out the whole way.简评看来第一次约会真是令人兴奋并紧张期待的。

第一次约会的建议是不同的。王永同学用词简单、结构精炼,读起来节奏快,例如:“dress properly....if you are still in school,a sportswear can fulfill your purpose.for busines**an ***rowmups,casual clothes are re***mended.”这样的文章结构像是在提醒我们时不我待,要抓住机会,抓紧时间。

2. 我的宿舍生活my dormitory lifemy dormitory life ***pared with the forty year old shabby dormitory i am living in now, the one i lived in for three years in high school was heaven: three students shared one brand new suite with air conditioners and a bathroom.

in three years time we changed it thoroughly:the color of the floor turned from bright pink into muddy gray, and the closet a hive of insects proliferating among piles of rotten fruit.and our masterpiece was the bathroom, a never drying swamp which served as the habitat of various kinds of mold, and even rodents, rats would occasionally take the trouble to pay us a visit, and..

, all three of us felt like sobbing when we at last had to say good bye to our lovely filthy dormitory. maybe it is because that the dormitory had changed us as well as we'd changed it.the first lesson our dormitory taught us was to look after ourselves.

frankly speaking, we were not good students at all. i still remember the underwear that was soaked in soapy water for one and a half years before it was finally thrown away. almost each of the boys' dormitories had gradually developed its own unique “fragrance” usually a mixture of rotten fruit, unwashed socks, stunk towels and some junk food.

we could tell one dormitory from another by sniffing instead of looking. our tolerance towards untidiness was amazing.however, in spite of all this, we really did make some progress.

bit by bit, we started to wash dirty clothes before they stunk, cleaned the garbage bin when it could hold no more trash, we even used brushes in a not-sc-successful attempt to refurbish the floor. the point was that we were not obeying any order, we did every bit of the cleaning for ourselves, because we wanted to live in a better place. though nothing we did could be called an achievement, it was the first time we fully bore the consequences of our behavior, and took the responsibility.

thus it was not surprising that i often found myself the only one to clean up my university dormitory which looked no better than a garbage bin when my roommates felt normal of it.when talking about our dormitory life, and probably all the dormitory life, we should never leave out one thing. this was what we called “bed talks”.

though it was considered “illegal,”there was nothing to stop us from deliberately starting a heated discussion right after lights were out. it was our favorite and the only way of ending our day, and we were as punctual for it as our parents are for work. what was the most ***mon topic?

girls, of course! what other topics were there for three energetic adolescent males lying ***fortably in bed? we judged them,ranked them, argued over them night after night without feeling the slightest sense of boredom for three whole years.

were wemaniacs? who is not a maniac at eighteen?评寝室生活,相信每一位有过亲身体会的人一生都难以忘怀。

作者用幽默诙谐的笔调,略带伤感的情绪,追忆了高中三年那段人生道路上极富意 3. 大学英语的学习-learning english at collegelearning english at college is different from learning english at middle school. in middle school, we learn english mainly for the entrance examination for college, while the purpose of learning english at college is quite different.

we study foreign languages now to improve our ability to work in the future and especially to ***municate with foreiguers.how can we learn english well at college? firstly, you should try your best to enlarge your vocabulary.

only in this way can you read more **oothly and understand others well. secondly, you should pay more attention to the listening and speaking ability in learning english. while talking with foreigners, if you can't understand them, and do not know how to express yourself, the talking will be very difficult.

and the last point is that you should improve your english whenever and wherever you can.obviously, there is still a long way for us to go to learn english well. as a proverb says,never too old to learn.

' there are so many methods to learn english. so long as you keep on studying, your english will surely be improved. 4.

电脑能代替纸笔吗?-大学英语作文people often say we have entered the electronic age. ***puters have be***e the center of life.

no one can live and work without ***puters. in the future, everyone can work and study at home hefore a pc. there won't be piles of files.

instead, a disc is ok enough.with the appearance of printers, the pen be***es less useful than before. and since the ***puter was created, ***** is also gradually giving way to the screen, which can show lively moving things from different sides in the same picture.

it is true that with the developmem of science, such products as ***puters and printers will be the major tools in our future life and work. but the traditional tools will also exist for a long time to supplement the function of the modern ones. at least, we still need pens to sign with and ***** to sign on.

[ 5. 幸福是什么-what is happiness?-大学英语作文happiness means different things to different people.

for example, some people believe that if they have lots of money, they will be happy. they believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to do anything they want, which means happiness. on the other hand, some people believe that holding a high positionin the government is happiness.

in this way, you have not onlymoney, but also many other things which can't be bought by money.however, other people believe that having lots of money is not happiness nor is holding a high position in the government. these people value their beliefs, or their intelligence, or their health.

they think these can make them happy.for me, happiness is closely tied to my studies, my work and my family. when i made great progress in my studies, when i made contributions to the society through my work, when all the members in my family live in harmony, sharing good and sad times, i was happy.

although the definition of happiness depends on each individual my “wealth” of happiness is in my studies, my work, and my family. 6. 经济发展与环境保护 economic development and envir.

some people believe that economic development should never be at the cost of the environment. they think the present serious environmental problems are largely caused by rapideconomic development. for example, land resources are shrinking because of the industrial development and the expansion of cities.

deserts are spreading because of over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, and strip mining. our air and water supplies are being polluted by poisonous gassesand waste products. it is important, therefore, that we should take another look at the way in which our industries and cities are developing.

however, other people think it unnecessary to consider environmental problems now and our first priority should always be given to economic development. they believe that environmental problems are inevitable and unavoidable in the process of economic development. they are only the by products of economic development, which can be dealt with later when we have the time and money.

i think the second idea is ***pletelywrong. our ultimate aim in economic development is to provide a ***fortable and happy life for our people. what is the point of economic development if we achieve it at the cost of our environment?

there has been much evidence to prove that a balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous development. 7. 树立目标的重要性-the importance of goalwhy is goal-setting important?

because goals can help you do and experience every meaningful thing you hope for in life. instead of letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen.successful people have visions of what their life should be and they set lots of goals, both sbort-term and long-range, to help them realize the visions.

by setting goals you are taking control of your life. it is like having a map to show where you want to go. a driver with an aim arrives at the destination without any waste of time or wrong turns.

on the contrary, a driver with no aim drives aimlessly around, never getting anywhere and just using up gas and oil. winners in life set goals and follow through on them. they decide what they want and then get there by ****** plans and setting goals.

goals ara not difficult to set and they are not difficult to reach. it is up to you to find out what your goals, ideals and visions really are. with a clear direction, and with certain plans, you will straightly get what you want.

without a goal, you have to live a passive life. you do not know where to go, what you want and why you are listless. then your life be ***es dull and meaningless just like the dead water in a muddy lake.


2. 保持健康的几种方法。3.

美好的未来需要健康。health is the guarantee of one's happiness. without a healthy body, one cannot do what he wants to, not to mention ac***plishing his goals in life.

one can keep fit in three ways. first, he is to pay attention to hygiene. stay away from viruses, which means one should wash hands, take baths frequently, eat and drink properly.

stay away from bad life habits, such as **oking and overworking, which severely damage the body ***ans. secondly, one is to exercise regularly. he may go jogging, swimming, bicycling, playing basketball and so on.

exercises will improve one's ability to resist diseases. and last but not least, he should be optimistic, fearing no difficulties and obstacles, and always being in high spirits.only in good health as well as in high spirits can we greet the future, which is full of ***petition and challenges, and strive to achieve our ambitions energetically.


how to reduce stressstress is an inevitable part in our normal life. many kinds of things, such as natural disasters, war and death can cause too much stress in our life. but according to a psychologist, on a day-to-day basis, stress may result from the **all things:

taking an exam, waiting in line, and having too many things to do in a limited time.we all need stress to add flavor, challenge, and opportunity to life, but too much stress can seriously affect our physical and mental well-being, it reduces the body's immunity and harms the brain, if the stress lasts a long time, it may cause physical illness, insomnia, headaches, backaches, ulcers, high blood pressure-even heart disease.when stress does occur, it's important to recognize and deal with it.

there ore some methods we can try. a large number of physical activities can reduce onxiety. shoring our stress with others can be enormously helpful.

****** time for fun such os listening to music may be good medicine. sometimes even crying is on efficient way to releose stress. 摘自 10.

城市化利弊谈-advantages and disadvantages of u.urbanization has been a subject of heated discussion for a long time. some people are in favor, while others are opposed.

in my opinion, urbanization has both advantages and disadvantages.generally, the advantages of urbanization can be listed as follows. first,urbanization can quicken our pace to catch up with the developed countries.

we all know that the developed countries are all highly urbanized. second, urbanization will help to solve the problem of unemployment. it will create more job opportunities for the unemployed.

in addition, urbanization will free a great number of farmers from the fields, thus realizing the dream of agricultural mechanization in our country. finally, urbanization can improve the standards of living of the migrants who move to the urban area.however,the disadvantages of urbanization are also obvious.

to begin with,administration of the increasing population in urban area might be a great challenge to the government. moreover, more problems, such as increasing crime rate, over crowding, might increase, since more people are concentrated in a relatively **aller place.it is evident that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

therefore, i am in favor of urbanization. 11. 逆境是成功的关键-adversity often leads to prospeadversity often leads to prosperityeverybody wants to lead a successful life.

but a number of people failed to realize their ambitions or their personal goals though they had dreamed of it throughout their whole lives. in order to succeed, one is required to have such personal qualities as diligence, persistence, intelligence, patience and so on. besides them, i hold adversity is also one of the key factors and that it often leads to prosperity.

the seemingly mistaken conclusion reveals the ***mon ph**omenon, people in adversity tend to express their full range of potential and actualize their own personal worththe very aim of a human life. and it is also supported by lots of successful people's experiences both in old days and nowadays, both at home and abroad.during the period of chunqiu, the emperor of the yue,gou jian, was defeated by the wu and trapped in prison.

adversity stimulated him to revenge instead of discouraged him. gou jian hanged a gall and tasted it before sleep every day so as to keep the humiliation and revenge always in mind. owing to his undefeated qualities and persistent struggle, he defeated the wu and drew himself from adversity to prosperity in the end.

david beckham, the captain of the english soccer team,was famous for his fascinating technique as well as his handsome appearance. he led england to defeat argentina as a national revenge in the latest korea japan world cup and he was regarded to be one of the five greatest football players in the world by brazilian football star robert carlos.however, ten years ago, he was only an ordinary young player and was put in the second team of man utd.

once he was even lent to another team in english a by ferguson and it seemed that he would be abandoned as burden of his club someday. beckham was not defeated by all the difficulties and he was sensible enough to make full use of adversity as an agent to push himself forward. he studied the ***bat, increased his stamina and strength, improved the technique and dribbling and trained the skill of passing and free kicking.

as a result of his persistent and painstaking training, beginning with the famous wonderful goal from the centre circle in 1996, he brought himself a hot prospect. 12. 彩票的负面影响-大学英语作文spare the lotterylottery, booming all of a sudden all over the world, attracts all kinds of people.

nearly everybody, old or young, rich or poor, is right now trying his luck in lottery or is thinking of doing so. despite many disputes that lottery is receiving, i still assume, personally, that lottery does mere good than harm.the worst effect caused by lottery, as many socialists indicate, is that it produces in people an idea of “gain without pain'.

but at the same time, they neglect one point--it is human nature that people all expect to obtain most while offer least.the thought of “gain without pain” is buried in everyone's heart and is not bred by lottery.consequently, lottery is innocent in this way.

but there still remain a large group of people against lottery, among whom are some lottery addicts. such people are fond of lottery but unfortunately luck is never fond of them. finally, they end up in ***plaining about lottery, declaring the great harm, both psychologically and economically lottery has done to them.

in this case,the problem lies in the attitude of people, not lottery.since the major two sorts of harm are not lottery's fault,let's have an objective look on lottery. for the society, lottery is the most practical way to accumulate funds.

for those who happen to win a large fortune, i think they can't kiss their lottery enough. also for those who have not a single chance to be lucky dogs, lottery can mutely tell them the truth of “no pains, no gains.”spare the lottery!

it, in itself can do more good than harm.


far and away the most important holiday in china is spring festival, also known as the chinese new year. to the chinese people it is as important as christmas to people in the west. the dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the gregorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies from late january to early february.

to the ordinary chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar new year's day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. but the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the lantern festival, means the official end of the spring festival in many parts of the country.

经典英语演讲稿:my ideal job

different people have different career outlooks. some people want to be***e civil servants; some people hope to start their own business; some people dream of being freelancers, and so on.

however, my ideal job is teaching. firstly, i’m told that teachers have a high in***e. with the high in***e, i can open a training school to help the children in poor families with their education.

secondly, teachers always have summer and winter holidays, thus i will have more free time to relax myself. more importantly, teachers are angels to students, who can pass on the knowledge to students as well as help them develop their hobbies and interests. i can’t imagine how happy i will feel when i see my students be***e elites.

in order to be a qualified teacher, i should read more books to acquire more knowledge, and train my patience and improve my ***munication and handwriting abilities.






what is happiness if someone has a lot of money, does he really be happy the two questions point out the relation about money and happiness. today, people treat money the first place in their life, they work hard for ****** money, because without money, one can’t do a lot of things, indeed, we need money. when people get married, the first thing they do is to get enough money to buy a house, money seems everything.

while on my opinion, money can’t buy happiness, i see some guys who are not rich, but they live in a free way, they move everywhere they want, they feel happy. so happiness is from someone’s heart, it is nothing to do with money.




the road to happiness

it is a ***monplace among moralists that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it. this is only true if you pursue it unwisely. gamblers at monte carlo are pursuing money, and most of them lose it instead, but there are other ways of pursuing money, which often succeed.

so it is with happiness. if you pursue it by means of drink, you are f***etting the hangover. epicurus pursued it by living only in congenial society and eating only dry bread, supplemented by a little cheese on feast days.

his method proved successful in his case, but he was a valetudinarian, and most people would need something more vigorous. for most people, the pursuit of happiness, unless supplemented in various ways, is too abstract and theoretical to be adequate as a personal rule of life. but i think that whatever personal rule of life you may choose it should not, except in rare and heroic cases, be in***patible with happiness.

if you look around at the men and women whom you can call happy, you will see that they all have certain things in ***mon.

the most important of these things is an activity which at most gradually builds up something that you are glad to see ***ing into existence. women who take an instinctive pleasure in their children can get this kind of satisfaction out of bringing up a family. artists and authors and men of science get happiness in this way if their own work seems good to them.

but there are many humbler forms of the same kind of pleasure. many men who spend their working life in the city devote their weekends to voluntary and unremunerated toil in their gardens, and when the spring ***es, they experience all the joys of having created beauty. the whole subject of happiness has, in my opinion, been treated too solemnly.

it had been thought that man cannot be happy without a theory of life or a religion. perhaps those who have been rendered unhappy by a bad theory may need a better theory to help them to recover, just as you may need a tonic when you have been ill. but when things are normal a man should be healthy without a tonic and happy without a theory.

it is the ****** things that really matter. if a man delights in his wife and children, has success in work, and finds pleasure in the alternation of day and night, spring and autumn, he will be happy whatever his philosophy may be. if, on the other hand, he finds his wife fateful, his children’s noise unendurable, and the office a nightmare; if in the daytime he longs for night, and at night sighs for the light of day, then what he needs is not a new philosophy but a new regimena different diet, or more exercise, or what not.

man is an animal, and his happiness depends on his physiology more than he likes to think. this is a humble conclusion, but i cannot make myself disbelieve it. unhappy busines**en, i am convinced, would increase their happiness more by walking six miles every day than by any conceivable change of philosophy.

thangk you.

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